Mediation for Unmarried Parents

Navigating the complexities of co-parenting as unmarried parents can be challenging.

Whether you are separating after living together, or simply need help establishing legal and financial arrangements for your children, mediation can help you come to a resolution that benefits everyone involved—especially your children.

My mediators and I guide unmarried parents through discussions around matters such as:

  • Developing parenting plans that address the children and parent’s needs
  • Clarifying decision-making responsibilities
  • Establishing financial support arrangements

Our goal is to create a space where both of you can collaborate to build a clear and mutually agreeable co-parenting plan without the stress and cost of litigation.

Parents come to mediation consultations with more questions than answers, such as:

Our job as mediators is to ensure you are making well-informed decisions that empower the two of you to develop a plan that maximizes your children’s best interests.

Topics that Unmarried Parents Can Resolve in Mediation

Mediation Helps Unmarried Parents

  • Develop a Parenting Plan

    Help you create a parenting schedule that works for both of you, addressing everyday care, holidays, vacations, and special occasions.

  • Clarify Decision-Making Responsibilities

    Instead of battling over legal custody, we will help you decide how to share important responsibilities, such as education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.

  • Establish Child Support

    We will help you discuss financial arrangements to ensure your children are supported, including contributions toward daily expenses, extracurricular activities, and education.

  • Resolve Other Parenting Issues

    Whether you need to work out communication guidelines, transportation logistics, or other practical issues, mediation provides a platform to address these concerns.

How Mediation for Unmarried Parents Helps Families

  • Child-Centered Discussions

    Unlike the adversarial court process, mediation emphasizes what’s best for your children. By creating a parenting plan that works for your unique situation, mediation ensures that your children’s needs come first.

  • Flexible and Creative Solutions

    Mediation gives you the flexibility to customize agreements that suit your children’s needs as you restructure your family. Whether you’re working on parenting schedules, child support, or other matters, mediation fosters creative problem-solving that a courtroom setting cannot offer.

  • Control Over the Outcome

    Parents you know what works best for their children and should be making decisions that directly impact their lives. Mediation allows you to stay in control of the decision-making process, rather than leaving these important choices in the hands of a judge.

  • Ensure privacy

    Mediation, by statute in Massachusetts, is a confidential process. The mediator can never be called upon to assist either parent in future court actions. This helps parents engage in good faith without fear of reprisal.

  • Save time and money

    Mediation is often less expensive and faster than litigation. With fewer court fees, attorney costs, and drawn-out court battles, mediation provides a more affordable process to resolve parenting matters. In mediation you determine the pacing of the process, not the legal system.

What Clients Say About Mediating with Ben


“Child custody and all matters of divorce can be emotional, complex and difficult, Ben was able to navigate both while being respectful, understanding and extremely patient and helpful. His background as a counselor, vs. a legal background, kept the process focused on the issues and not all about the legal technicalities that can make child custody more about the law then the child. We were able resolve our issues quickly which allowed us to move past the negotiations and into conversations on how to increase trust and better co-parent our child. I am very pleased with our decision to choose this route and would highly recommend Ben to anyone.”


Send Us A Message

If you have any questions about our mediation services please send us a message.