What are Elder Mediation Services?

Elder mediation services provide families with a collaborative and compassionate approach to addressing the unique challenges of aging loved ones. Whether it’s navigating caregiving responsibilities, deciding on living arrangements, resolving financial disputes, or ensuring end-of-life wishes are respected, mediation offers a safe and structured space for open communication.

Unlike legal proceedings, family mediation for elder issues focuses on preserving family relationships while finding practical solutions that honor the elder’s dignity and preferences. By fostering understanding and reducing conflict, families can move forward together with greater clarity and peace of mind.

We provide family mediation for elder care decisions in all 50 states across the U.S. using Zoom mediation video conferencing.

Why Consider Mediation for Elder Care Decisions?

Elder mediation services are about fostering understanding and collaboration among family members, especially when tensions arise over caregiving, financial planning, or living arrangements. Some examples of reasons to consider working with an aging parent mediator include:

  • Caregiving responsibilities
  • Housing and living arrangements (e.g. assisted living vs. at-home care)
  • Financial disputes and decision-making
  • Medical decision-making
  • End-of-life wishes and advanced directives, power of attorney, living wills, etc.
  • Sibling conflicts over caregiving duties or inheritance
  • Intergenerational relationships
  • New marriages and stepfamily situations
  • Care for the caregiver (e.g. respite care)
  • Progressive dementias and other memory impairments
  • Abuse and neglect
  • Driving
  • Guardianship

Benefits of Family Mediation for Elder Care Disputes

  • Preservation of Family Relationships

    Elder mediation helps families discuss important topics in a way that fosters understanding, builds empathy, and restores or strengthens sibling and intergenerational relationships.

  • Respect the Elder’s Wishes

    Elder mediation highlights the elder’s voice, ensuring their values, preferences, and dignity are at the center of decisions.

  • Create Tailored Solutions Privately

    Unlike court-based resolutions, mediation allows families to develop creative, flexible solutions that address their unique needs and circumstances in a private confidential setting.

  • Reduce Family Tension and Conflict

    By providing a neutral, structured space for discussions, mediation helps de-escalate heated emotions and resolves disputes more amicably.

  • Save time and money

    Aging life care mediation is typically faster and more cost-effective than litigation or prolonged family disagreements, reducing financial and emotional strain.

  • Address a Wide Range of Issues

    Elder mediation can handle complex topics, including caregiving roles, living arrangements, estate planning, inheritance disputes, medical decisions, and end-of-life care.

What Clients Say About Ben


“You were extremely kind and generous…As far as any additional feedback about mediation…I was very happy with what I experienced, and I thought your tone and style of communication were comforting and inviting. Thank you for everything.”

Elder Mediation Client

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If you have any questions about our mediation services please send us a message.