Businesswoman making video call to business partner using laptop

Move Ahead with your Divorce During COVID-19: Zoom Remote Divorce Mediation

Email from divorce mediation client:

“Ben, looks like we will have to postpone our divorce mediation with the Coronavirus and everything going on. We’ll be in touch.”

In the last week during the Covid-19 stay-at-home orders I have received multiple emails just like this one.

Zoom to the Rescue!

I am happy to report that family and divorce mediation can continue during the Covid-19 era using Zoom remote video conferencing.

In fact, I have provided Zoom remote divorce mediation for years for out-of-state clients. Other times I have provided zoom remote mediation for clients who do not want to be physically in the same room together but see the benefit of communicating and negotiating directly.

Benefits of Remote Video Conference Divorce Mediation

Zoom remote divorce mediation is effective because:

  • Clear Communication: Participants can see each other’s body language, hear tone, read facial expressions, just like in-person meetings
  • Private Session Options: The mediator can still move to confidential private sessions during a longer mediation using “breakout room” features
  • Document Review: Everyone can look at, review, and fill out documents together using “screen-sharing” features

Additional benefits to Zoom remote divorce and family mediation include:

  • Comfort: Parties can make themselves comfortable in their homes or offices. Some mediate from couches, desks, and even outside on their patio on a nice day
  • Time-Saver: Remote mediation eliminates travel time
  • Flexible Scheduling: I am able to offer more flexible scheduling options since I too (during Covid-19 in particular) can meet earlier or later in the day without worry about commuting issues



Stay-at-home orders during Covid-19 do not need to slow down your divorce negotiation, or your efforts to resolving family conflict.

Email response to client:

“I hope you and your family are healthy and faring well during this challenging time. I have mediated over video conference for many years. Would you like to learn more about how that works so you can continue to make progress with your mediation?”

While some parents lament how much screen-time their kids have we can be grateful that “screen-time” can help mediation clients continue to move forward with their lives!