MWI interview with Ben Stich

An Interview with Mediator Ben Stich

Listen as Ben is interviewed about divorce and family mediation and is asked about his “mediation superpower…”

divorce advice

Divorce Advice: Interview with the Divorce Resource Guy Podcast

Ben discusses his approach to divorce mediation and divorce advice with The Divorce Resource Guy, Jason Levoy!


Divorce Coach

Jason Levoy is a former divorce attorney, now turned divorce coach. His mission is to educate, empower and help you understand the divorce process from an attorney’s point of view. Jason’s coaching will provide you the tools and knowledge you need to communicate effectively during your divorce.

His goal is to empower you with the information you NEED TO KNOW so you can make the best decisions in your divorce and your life.

Let’s Talk Divorce Mediation Advice

Jason and I had a wonderful conversation about the ways divorce mediation can help couples resolve their divorce outside of litigation. I hope you take a moment to listen to learn how mediation might help you and the support Jason provides to his divorce coaching clients.

How can I learn more about family and divorce mediation?

If you would to learn more about divorce and family mediation schedule a free half-hour consultation with Ben.

Photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash

divorce mediation in massachusetts

An Interview About Divorce Mediation in Massachusetts

Ben joins Divorce Lender John Marroni to discuss divorce mediation in Massachusetts.

Divorce Mortgage Lending

Thank you to John Marroni for a wonderful conversation about divorce mediation. John is a Certified Divorce Lending Professional (CDLP).

The focus on John’s practice is to help divorcing homeowners make good informed decisions about what is usually their largest asset: their home. He is a creative problem-solver who has a proven track record of helping families make decisions about home equity and navigating the potential conflicts between divorce agreements, mortgages, and the property itself. In particular, he helps couples understand the difference between income and qualified income; what contingent liabilities mean; and different ways of structuring equity buy-outs.

Divorce Mediation in Massachusetts

John asked me some amazing questions about divorce mediation and how it works in Massachusetts. His interest in collaborative out-of-court resolution to divorce is clear. We discussed ways to communicate effectively in divorce mediation; the complex issues that can be navigated and resolved through divorce; and the creative ways a mediator can help to resolve important conflicts related to parenting plans and financial division.

How can I learn more about family and divorce mediation?

If you would to learn more about divorce and family mediation schedule a free half-hour consultation with Ben.

The Boston Podcast

The Boston Podcast

Ben describes the benefits of mediation to couples seeking divorce (and is asked about ice-cream too!).

Resolutions Channel

Resolutions Channel

Ben is interviewed by an internationally renowned mediator about divorce and children.

respectful divorce

Dignified and Respectful Divorce Webinar

Ben and a divorce financial analyst describe how to have a dignified and respectful divorce.

Photo by Dave Lowe on Unsplash

Friendly handshake in front of sunny window

Inside Divorce Podcast

Ben describes how mediation saves time, money, heartache and leads to better outcomes for children.

Respectful Divorce Podcast

Respectful Divorce Podcast

Ben shares insights about how mediation and Collaborative Divorce is a more “respectful” way to divorce.